“Sterling Pacific Developments is proposing to rezone 14 Glenmore Drive to be able to construct 3 duplex buildings, 6 homes on the property.
The proposed 2 story duplex homes are designed to have their garages face the rear via a newly dedicated laneway so that the existing access design of the site is maintained (only one entrance onto Glenmore Drive).
The Official Community Plan adopted by the residents of West Vancouver seeks to expand opportunities for duplex homes under policy 2.1.3.
We are hosting a Preliminary Public Consultation meeting on September 19 to provide you with the opportunity to view the proposal and voice your opinion before we formally present this rezoning proposal to West Vancouver Council. Feedback at this stage is valuable and all feedback collected at this meeting will be presented to the West Vancouver Planning Department to help shape the future formal rezoning application.
We will not have a formal presentation, rather you are welcome to drop by anytime between 5:30-7:30pm to view the material and ask questions.
This proposal is only preliminary at this time with the intention of being formally submitted to the District in the near future. Approval of the proposal at this stage will then require a subsequent formal Public Hearing and consideration by Council.”